David Desrosiers - bass, backing vocals
Name: David Phillipe Desrosiers Instrument: Bass and back vocals Date of birth: August 29th, 1980 Birthplace: Sept-Iles Eye Color: Green/brown Siblings: 1 sister (Julie) Fav. color: Black Fav. Restaurant: Taco Bell Fav. bands: Papa Roach, American Hi/Fi, Weezer, Fav. food: Sushi Fav. movie: Grease, Pump up the volume Fav. TV show: Wonder Years (i cried so many times Fav. boyband: Backstreet Boys Fav. video game: Pro AM (Nintendo old school) Fav. book: Kamasutra (borrowed from my sister) Fav. concert: There are so many but to pick one, would have to say EDGEFEST 2 Fav. magazine: Modern Drummer Fav. actor / actress: Robin Williams / Drew Barrymore Utlimate place to live: Hawaii but I'd have to be Guilty pleasure: Peeing in the shower just relaxes me Previous day job: Used to work at McDonald's Fav. superhero: Superman Pets: Golden Retreiver; Sam the cutest (R.I.P.) Boxers or Briefs: Boxers Hugs or Kisses: Kisses Chocolate or Vanilla Ice Cream: Vanilla Email or Phone: Phone Phrase: Naw --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you have a middle name, if so what is it?
Jimmy eat world, Green Day, 22 Jacks, No Doubt, Sugar Ray,
Strung Out, Stone Temple Pilot, No Use For A Name, Lagwagon, Goldfinger,
Face to Face, Sum 41, Blink-182, Foo Fighters (in no particular order)
watching that show)
with someone that I love!
in my hometown
What gear do you use:
Basses: Fender precision basses.
Strings: Dean Markley blue steel 80-105.
-- Phillipe.
What is your favorite quote or buzz word?
Who is your role model?
--Hambone, cause he's the man!
If your were a girl and were to date any member of the band , who would it be? Why?
--No one cause they're all gay.
Describe your ideal girl (personality and looks)
-- My girlfriend.
What are your turn ons?
--Hambone, bubble tea.
What are your turn offs?
-- Cigarettes, body hair.
Ever been skinnydipping?
Whats the best halloween costume you ever wore?
Whats your favorite cartoon?
--SpongeBob cause he can drink alot, hes a sponge.
If you had a magic 8 ball what would you ask it?
-- When is my penis gonna grow?
What exactly would you put on your christmas list?
-- A trip to Hawaii.
What song are you ashamed to admit you like?
-- Justin Timberlake "Rock your body"
If you could be in another band what band would it be?
-- It's a tie between The Used and Good Charlotte.
Have you guys ever read any fanfiction about yourselfs on the internet?
--No, computer, what is that?
What do you usually do when your bored on the tour bus?
-- Jerk off.
What is the last thing you do before you go on stage and after a show?
-- Jerk off.
If you could do anything without paying for the consequences , what would you do?
-- Walk around naked all the time.
Whats the 1 thing you want to do before the end of the year?
-- Find myself a place, im young and homeless.
David plays the bass guitar and sings back-up vocals in the band Simple Plan David took over as the lead singer for the band Reset when fellow Simple Plan member, Pierre Bouvier, quit Reset David's older sister's name is Julie When people told David he was gonna be big. He'd reply, "How? I'm a small guy..." David's parents divorced when he was 12 If David could play Twister with anyone he wanted to... he'd choose Katie Holmes David's favorite food is sushi David loves zebra print David is currently 25 years old There are rumors that David has a crush on Hilary Duff David is the second youngest member of Simple Plan (next to Sebastien Lefebvre) The rest of the members of SP once locked David in a locker with Avril Lavigne and Theo from GOB After
being locked in the locker, everyone around was pointing and laughing
at a freaked out and crying Avril. David was the only one who comforted
her and made sure she was really okay. Awww... David was once rumored to be dating Avril Lavigne, but as I called them... they were only rumors At
a show once, someone yelled, "Say something in French!!!" and David was
the one to step up to the microphone and say a few words in French David not only plays bass, but he can also play drums and guitar! David thinks moms are cool David never recorded an album with Reset It is rumored that the rest of the guys from SP stalked David until he joined the band! David's advice for confidence: "Do whatever you want to do, and don't care what people think. If you do, you'll be miserable." David likes to skateboard David has problems with his spine David
says the weirdest thing he's ever done while he was bored was,
"Watching infomercials and maxing out my credit card buying all that
stuff." David has ADD David looooooves bananas Peeing in the shower soothes David like nothing else does David would like to live in Hawaii with someone he loves David's birthday is August 29th 1980 David's piercings are 2 in both ears 1 in his lip and 1 in his nose Bands... another one of David's fave. bands is Good Charlotte David didn't go to high school with the other members of SP even though they claim to have known each other since high school David thinks he sucks at using pick-up lines David swears he saved Pierre's life at the "Welcome To My Life" video shoot David screams like a girl in his sleep David's middle name is Phillipe David's favorite color is black David was rumored to be dating a girl named Luana Church David once took over lead vocals at a concert when Pierre was too sick to perform David was once rumored to be "hooked up" with Ashlee Simpson (not true) David's must-haves on the road???: His ipod, a Notting Hill DVD, A neck pillow, leg spacer, and lumbar for support("for the plane!"), Green Day's American Idiot, Shoes("I like to have a variety") David was starstruck when he first met Gwen Stefani. He says he was so in love with her and then she broke his heart! According to Seb, David always has his headphones on David likes to have a wide variety of shoes David has Ashlee Simpson's CD and Hilary Duff's CD David swears he got laid 6 times on the night of the release party for "Still Not Getting Any..." David can sound like Billie Joe from Green Day He plays a right handed bass which means he's right handed While doing a photo shoot for THREAT
magazine, David started messing around, struck a ballerina pose, and
started belting out the chorus to "Love on the Rocks With No Ice" by
The Darkness David says tattoos hurt even though he's never had any... David is thinking of moving to Los Angeles A
rumor once started on the IC message board about David already living
in L.A, and quitting SP and not going to be on the album, SNGA... of
course, like I said, it was a rumor and David cleared this up in a video David says he likes to jerk off before and after each concert When David was young, he gave his girlfriend one of those cheap plastic rings that you can get out of machines Pierre claims that David talks to the devil in his sleep Someone once asked Pete from Fall Out Boy what he thought of David and he responded with, "He's hot." David says he gave up on skateboarding because he kept getting hurt CosmoGIRL! magazine once described David as "scrumdiddlyumpcious" David's mom's name is Charlotte David says the best part of playing Warped Tour was when he got to sing with The Used In the video for "Untitled", David is dressed up like a paramedic At the "Untitled" video shoot, Chuck and Seb claimed that "David is a very bad paramedic" Julie (David's sister) is older than David by 3 years When asked who David was most excited to play with at Warped Tour '05, he immediately answered, "My Chemical Romance." David
played a part in hooking up Hilary Duff and Joel Madden when he invited
them both to one of Simple Plan's concerts. That's the first time Joeal
and Hilary met each other. David played a little bit of drums for the Still Not Getting Any... CD. In the lyrics booklet, it says "Additional drums on this recording: David Desrosiers" David
used to be the only member of Simple Plan to be seen wearing a solid
black outfit, now Jeff and PIerre can often be seen sporting solid
black clothes At
most Simple Plan concerts, David and Sebastien switch instruments for a
little while. David also plays a little bit of the drums while Chuck
takes a break.
I just got some new boots today!!! *Dances around* I'm gonna go see what they have to say about my boots! David- I'm just relaxing! Those are all graffitis. It must've taken a really, really long time for a stupid punk to do that! Seb- We're gonna go buy our record! Doesn't look too good, eh? (After
sucking in helium) Hey we're going to Virginia Beach. This is gonna be
so awesome! The day is beautiful! And then we're gonna be back with
Sugar Ray! See you there! Chow! That's
my baby! *Kisses Bass Guitar* (Shows a whole bunch of clips of David
throwing down his bass really hard) I'm just kidding... I don't give a
f**k about my bass! You know what? This is Alcatraz... and the food... SUCKS there! Guys! What the heck?! OH! THAT'S GREAT! We're in Times Square... in New York... Photo shoot!!! ... for the album cover! Gotta get some calories! *Hands Pierre and banana* Banana! Seb was acting pretty early and Seb's acting was so f***ing unbelievable... I took pictures like a tourist. Doesn't look too good, eh? Now we're in Europe. They say it's 7:00 here... I don't believe that. Remember that? When Pat did that to me... Jeff was the first one to laugh... now let's see who's laughing! Guys! Do I look like Jeff??? David- We're here in Madrid, We destroy everything! Including our own bodies! We destroy them... Actually, I think our goal is to try to kill the band... It's a little windy but it's all good! I'm
actually glad I'm still alive! We were all sleeping and all of a sudden
it's like... *starts jumping around* BANG! I screamed like a f***ing
girl apparently I
had a little too much to drink last night. And it's like 12:30 or
something and we're going on at one. I think I'm up... up and running
like they say. I'm going on stage to rock tose kangaroos and koalas! I
was skateboarding and trying to be cool, and I was actually cool for a
little moment and I was following Pierre too close and I was sure he
was gonna go on top of the ramp. Then he did a little trick and came
down and then me and Pierre hit each other. BACK AT JAPAN!!! Here
we are at the train station, the Tokyo station. We're going to Osaka
for the first Avril show tonight. It's a bullet-train. Cause it goes
fast like a bullet. David-
We're late. Because of me. Because... uh... I was in my bed sleeping
because my alarm did not go off. So I had to skip the shower... uh... I
always skip the shower anyway... Let's play some f***ing music! I'm gonna party like it's my birthday tonight! I got a red carpet at my place to rehearse... What's up? We are on the red carpet. And I almost slipped! Hey,
what's up? We're going to Jamaica right now and I managed to steal
chucks bag. This is where he keeps all the important stuff; passports,
computer, paperwork, everything! And it's so nice, I don't want it to
get wrecked or anything so we're gonna wrap it for him! He's gonna be
so pissed off! Oh! That's Grrrreeeeaaat! Hey, check it out! You guys remember that? That's cold man! Stop it now man! We are at the Warner Brother's Animation Studio. nd we're about to do some *makes funny cartoon noise* that for Scooby Doo. (About "Happy Together") It's a really good song. Your parents probably know the song I'm sure. This
is the recording studio where lots os our favorite CDs were recorded,
believe it or not. From Papa Roach to Lit to No Doubt to Linkin Park.
All our favorite CDs have been pretty much done here. The vibe is
awesome. If you turn to your right you have little cndles and all that
s*** That was the f***ing coolest shot drinking ever! I can not believe it! The
bunk area... which is my favorite area... because you can sleep and not
think about anything but sleep. This is my bunk right here. I think
it's the one that's the cleanest right now. And... uh... let's close it
so no one will mess with my bunk! Sometimes you gotta take some time to remember ya know how things started for us We
used to tour in a beat up ambulance that Pierre's dad used to own. We
were sitting on couches in the back. Totally illegal but, Hey! We're
not dead... we made it We went to Japan a couple times When you land. When you get to see the land our--- Wherever you're gonna land it's just mind blowing! Everybody
can speak the language of music. I know it sounds really corny and
cheesy but music is a language that everybody speaks. Definately we've come a long way and we've accomplished a lot. This is what we've always dreamed of. And what we always wanted to do. And now we get to do it and it's pretty amazing. My favorite part of being in a band, I would say, is to go on stage. The
first note you hit on stage, you get that energy from the crowd. These
kids have been there waiting for you to come on stage. And you realize
how excited they are as soon as you get on stage and that makes me
excited to play One
of the most exciting things of the whole journey, if you will, for me,
would totally be that I got to play with a lot of my favorite bands. I
got to sing with The Used on the Warped Tour which was really amazing.
Thank you guys for this! And we got to play with GOB, our good friends.
Our Canadian friends. Got to play with Bowling for Soup. Got to play
drums with these guys and got to play drums with Sugar Ray as well. I
would say the fans are probably the most important reason why we're
here today and they've been supportive in helping us since day one.
Since this band was totally the smallest band in the world. I'd
just like to say thank you to everyone that's come to the show, that's,
ya know, that's wearing a Simple Plan shirt, that's just spreading the
word and, ya know, just like giving Simple Plan some love. We really
appreciate your love. Thank you. I
joined this band exactly 3 years ago and it's kinda crazy how we got to
know each other a lot better. We got to basically do everything
together for the past 3 years (Shows Pierre looking beat up at the "I'm Just a Kid" video shoot) You shouldn't have done that to me, man! Pierre- It's honeymoon night, we're getting laid. At the photo shoot, I'm getting laid! Lala- So does the new album have a title yet? The bubble jet is right where my penis is... and it feels great! Some people get engaged... and some don't... it's ok... This
RV is here to make us feel comfortable. If we're tired... there's a bed
here............................... and the bathroom... to poop! *appears from the bathroom* Ahh... how good was that? That felt nice MAKE UP! Check this out! *shows tan line from wrist band* Bob Rock is a living legend! I'm really honored that he's recording me, personally!... and the band... of course... Alright!
We're gonna pop this bottle! As you all know, Bob Rock is a big
champagne fan... he showers in champagne! *Pierre and David pop the
cork and Pierre pours the champagne into David's mouth* *singing* That's the way! The only way!!! Is it ok if i start crying? *while playing little beats on the drums* I'm just trying to keep myself warm --SPECIAL SEB QUOTE CONCERNING DAVID-- We all like the first record, but we're not really fond of how it sounds, you know? Tattoos hurt, man Even if you are not a hockey fan, it's a really big deal to play here I said she's freckled!!! (taling about Lindsay Lohan) DD! That's me! We
got a Christmas present! They're grapes! But they aren't normal
grapes... *eats one* they have drugs in them. Who wants grapes?! Will you guys walk for that? some masturbatory material?!? If you wanna be bad, yeah, you gotta be good Look!
Banana!... Double banana! Double banana! It means it's got two bananas
in it... I'm going to steal this... from the convenience store... *puts
package behind his back* We're going to go play on the rooftop of a hotel, just like rockstars usually do I'm
really stoked about my new watch *shows off watch* It's my first watch
in 6 years! Because I'm always late... but I'm still late... David-
"When Pierre has a little bit of ah, alcoholic drinks, inside of him,
he becomes this crazy animal where he gets naked on the bus and jumps
around and all the furniture-" David- Pierre used to own a petting zoo... Pierre- What the f*ck is that? Looks like a bong! You know what? Australia has the best weed I ever smoked in my life! (Someone throws a shoe at Pierre) (Some chick flashes Simple Plan We're the kind of band that jumps into the crown after a show to hang out, check out other bands and be ourselves (about
the "Untitled" video) Just some random girl that was actually driving
and listening to music and everyone is very vulnerable to drunk
driving, unfortunately (after the lights went out at a concert) Do I look sexy in the dark? (about 'Happy Together') That song was made while I was swimming around in my dad's balls. David- (In Springfield) How many Springfields are there in the U.S.? (Introducing "Happy Together") How many people out there are over 30? This song is for you! (At
a concert near his birthday) Thanks for all of the signs for my
birthday. I'm gonna be sixteen! *cheesy grin* How many sexy 16 year
olds wanna go out with me?! Shut up! I'm doing... something! Grab your freaking balls and make some freaking noise! But we look so much better when it's dark, Pierre! Hey! Who's got out first record called "No Pads, No Helmets... Just Bizzles!"? (Jeff
plays opening "I'm Just A Kid" guitar riff) So are you guys familiar
with that little guitar thing Jeff's playing? (hardly anyone responds)
You guys skip that song or something? Come on, you gotta cuddle a little bit, you know, you gotta feel the love here tonight I think I've just got it going on, you know... You can't have good sex if you don't communicate
Pat- Why are you peeing in the shower? There's a bathroom right here!
David- Whatever, I love peeing in the shower! It just relaxes me!!!
David- Cause it came out today!
Chuck- Spain!
David- Yeah, I never really thought we'd be in
Chuck- Spain!
Pierre- Get to the point!
David- Like what point?
David- Oh! That's fine!
David- Under My Foreskin
Lala- I cannot believe you just said that!
Seb: When we got here, David was being a moron *shows clip of David rocking out on his bass really hard in a crazy way*
Seb: And then we-- David was a moron all day *shows clip of David going nuts and dancing around with his bass*
Seb: And when we left, David was being a moron *shows clip of David sitting beside Chuck then he stands up with his arms int he air while making weird beeping noises*
Pierre- "Yeah and David films me *pretends to have a camera and looks down at Davids penis* like this. David loooves it!"
David- "Yeah and then I focus on this region right here *waves hands over Pierre's penis* and then I sell it on eBay!"
Pierre- Yeah do you have any pets??
David- Uh I got crabs!
Pierre- Did anyone bring their mom to the show tonight?
(crowd cheers)
David- Hi! I'm David...
Pierre- David likes moms!
David- And the best girls too!
(David picks up the "bong" and throws it at Pierre)
Pierre- Dude you missed my balls!
David- Thats because you dont have any balls!
Pierre- Thats True!
Pierre- Hey dont mess with me man, I'll kick your f*cking ass!
David- Yeah dude I wouldnt f*ck with him, he knows how to f*cking...
David- Nice boobs!
Pierre- Uhhh... like 27
David- Is this the Springfield that Bart Simpson lives in? Does anybody here know Bart Simpson?
Pierre- the sexiest by far
David- agreed.
Simple Plan Members on David
Chuck on David:
I think the coolest thing about David is that this guy will do anything
to make us laugh and to make everybody around laugh. He doesn't care if
you don't know him, if you've never met him before or what not, he just
wants to make people laugh and make them happy. And I truly admire how
he can entertain himself and other people with nothing at all. I think
it made our tours a lot more fun to have him around ya know, like
f***ing s*** up and throwing his bass on stage and just being a total
idiot! Seb on David:
All he does all the time is say jokes and he does nothing else but say
jokes and he does nothing else but make me laugh. Like if we're on
stage together he starts spitting on ya know, Pierre or like throws
pics at my head or like ya know if we're offstage. Oh dude, David's got
the worst jokes ever but it's always good to have something to laugh
about. If it's the fact that it's bad, then it's still good. David's
just a goofball, total idiot type person that likes to make people
laugh. Jeff on David:
He's really ADD! PlusI think that's the beauty of his personality, ya
know. He sees something and he runs after it. He sees something else
and he moves on, ya know. He can't concentrate for more than 3 seconds
at a time. You'll get pranked always at the end and in the middle
you'll be like, 'Who's that?' then eventually you'll realize, 'It's
David!' Pierre on David:
He's always the prankster. Trying to make people laugh and like... he's
just always pulling pranks on people and like... doing stupid stuff to
just always make me laugh. According to SP David is the fun, prankster! All the more reason to love him