There is a lot stories describing the origin of the name - Simple Plan:
One of them is, that once the guys watched the movie "A Simple Plan" and they decided it's a cool name for a band.
Another is, the the guys claim, that they never wanted to be stuck in some office, but they wanted to play in a band and discover the world. It was some kind of a simple plan for them. And that's why they are called so.
According to one recent interview with David, it happened this way:
"The guys were like “we need a band name, we’re playing a show!” and the producer guy had just been watching the movie ‘A Simple Plan’, and he was like “you guys should try that name”, so they dropped the ‘A’ and just went with Simple Plan, and we ended up keeping the name. When we got signed we were wondering if we were keeping that name or not, and you know what, it is kinda Simple Plan because we get to do what we’ve always wanted to do for a living."
Little curiosity: While thinking up the name of the band, Mark Hoppus (Blink 182) came and suggested a name "one legged duck". However this name was rejected.
The history of Simple Plan starts in the half of 90es, when the drummer Chuck Comeau and singer Pierre Bouvier were 13 years old and were in a punk-rock band, which toured the whole Canada – Reset. Reset released their first album in 1997. But next year Chuck left the band to concentrate more on his study. Later was this drummer more and more magnetized by music, till he, in 1999, started to play with his old friend from school – the guitarist Jeff Stinco. Sebastien lefebvre, another friend and guitar player joined them soon and the band was borned. The only thing, that was still missing was the singer.
„We were searching,“ remembers Comeau. „We know million people, but the more we were thinking about it, the more we were Cindiny out, that we need Pierre in the band.“ Meanwhile, Pierre was unsatisfied with Reset, where he had milion duties to do.
„I wanted to give it up, go back to school and forget about music,“ said Bouvier. „But then I met Chuck one night at a Sugar ray concert in Montreal and he was like: „I have this band and we are looking for a singer.“ I went there and saw them practing and than songs were so new and modern, so I said, that I’ll give myself one more chance.“
The guys started to create pop-punk songs – but they were still incomplete. „We thought, that something is still missing,“ said Bouvier. So, the one who joined them was David Desrosiers = singer/bassist, who replaced Pierre’s place in Reset, but then he made off, too.
Since the formation, the band released 2 albums – the first one in 2002 – No Pads, No Helmets…Just Balls – the second in 2004 – Still Not Getting Any. In 2006 and 2007 they wrote songs for their new, third (eponymous) album, which was released on 02/12/08.